Office Furniture Recycling

Most of our clients have a need from time to time to recycle their older business assets and redundant used office furniture. We collaborate closely with them to ensure that this is undertaken in the most environmentally friendly and socially acceptable manner.

Maintaining our zero to landfill policy is achieved by working in direct partnership with accredited Waste disposal companies in London who specialise in extracting re-usable material from general waste, share our commitment to being as environmentally focussed and sustainably active as possible, and offer the most cost-effective solutions.

Extracting secondary raw materials (such as metals, plastic, and wood) from general waste allows the resulting product to be put to effective use, and every item of waste material can then either re-used, re-generated or recycled in line with our environmental policy.

ISO 14000 – We are accredited to ISO 14001:2015 which demonstrates our commitment and obligation to environmental management.

We are fully compliant with applicable laws, regulations, and environmentally oriented requirements; thereby minimizing any adverse negative effects to the wider community.

Furniture – Working with our environmental recycling partners we ensure that any metal products and components such as old desk legs and frames, metal cabinets along with wooden products such as desktops and cabinets are identified and separated when they are sent for London commercial recycling.

Cabling – Cabling is recycled and re-generated wherever possible.

Paper Products – Secure shredding to BS EN 15713 standards will be undertaken.

We provide on-site shredding bags or lockable bins to our clients to allow for the collection of paper waste. Certificates of destruction detailing the volumes managed are provided.

We will also recycle any cardboard packaging, paper-based products and wrapping materials that are removed from customers sites.

Mixed Consumables – Miscellaneous mixed consumables are environmentally recycled and re-generated wherever possible.

Information Technology

Any surplus IT equipment identified for computer recycling that contains data, including PCs, Laptops, Servers, Tablets and Smartphones will be Blancco wiped to eliminate the risk of your data being accessed by others. We offer a secure end-of-life IT disposal service and are always mindful of our obligations regarding current legislation, including the WEEE Directive for the safe destruction of electronic and electrical equipment.

WEEE Recycling

We hold an exemption to store end-of-life WEEE electrical equipment prior to subsequent recycling through our licensed WEEE partners, we guarantee that our recycling and electrical waste disposal across UK is fully compliant with the European WEEE Directive.

Duty of Care Waste Transfer Notes

After all successful projects and recycling works have been completed, we provide a detailed audit and summary of the undertaking. This process ensures complete certainty to key stakeholders that all waste products have been appropriately processed, in line with current legislation and regulations. 

Waste transfer notes (WTN) for all non-hazardous recycled waste and (HWCN) Hazardous waste transfer notes for any hazardous waste items are generated and provided.

Our professional, dedicated Ede’s team will oversee and control every aspect of your waste removal and recycling requirement and provide clear reporting as to the volumes and types of surplus / redundant items identified, removed, and recycled from your premises.