IT Asset Audit 

Understanding exactly which IT Assets you own, where they are and who is using them is an important consideration before starting your office move.

Our IT Audit and Asset Management service will provide you full transparency of the volume, make, model, location, and placement of every one of your IT assets within your estate and allow you to track each asset throughout its lifecycle.

In many instances IT audit surveys are undertaken in conjunction with business relocations to establish which items are allocated to departments, teams, or individual team members.

Auditing Your IT

We undertake detailed audits which can determine critical data such as:

* Asset physical presence
* Classification of assets
* Location of the asset
* Date of asset acquisition
* Initial purchase price
* Presence of asset / inventory barcode
* Provision of barcode
* Functionality – Working Order
* Quantity of assets
* Security Controls in place
* Depreciation of asset value
* Condition
* Year of purchase
* Year for replacement review

Our IT audit and asset management tracking service offers a flexible, straightforward, adaptive, and effective solution to meet your needs, whether you are moving your business to a new location, undertaking internal moves and changes, or simply want to better understand your IT asset inventory.