- 020 8773 6700
- info@edes.com
We are extremely proud of the high standards of service we provide, and this is demonstrated by some of the best accreditations available within our industry.
Our host of accreditations including! ISO 9001, 14001, safe contractor, FORS, places us at the forefront of businesses who can provide your business with high quality, proactive, value for money, dedicated service. These accreditations show that we have exceeded standard practices and are a testament to our drive to continually improve our service to remain an industry leader.

We are a member of BAR, the British Association of Removers
The British Association of Removers (BAR) is the recognised voice of the professional moving industry and has been promoting professional excellence in the removals industry for more than a century. It is at the forefront of developing and maintaining standards and services for the benefit of its members and their customers. The Commercial Mover of the Year award (CMoTY) is made annually by the British Association of Removers, following a three-phase competitive process which includes: interviewing of selected clients, an audit by QSS (the BAR's UKAS-accredited certification body) and careful consideration by three judges. To date we have been recognised as the Commercial Mover of the Year on an unprecedented seven occasions, recognising excellence in all areas of our business, our service quality, delivery, professionalism, and exceptional customer care.

We are certified as compliant with the FORS BRONZE Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme
We have achieved Bronze accreditation which confirms we employ good practice and comply with the requirements laid out by the FORS Standard. This includes demonstrating dedication to driver and vehicle safety, combined with improving operating practices through effective monitoring of fuel and tyre usage.

We are certified as compliant with the CHAS sector compliance scheme
CHAS (The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) is an accreditation that proves that our business’s health and safety processes meet excellent standards. Qualified health and safety professionals undertake assessments of our business documentation to confirm that we continue to fulfil the obligations required by law.

We are certified as compliant with the Safecontractor sector compliance scheme
Our SafeContractor approved status determines that we have proven that our business practices are completed safely and responsibly and confirms that all paperwork is complaint with current legislation and processes are in place to ensure that health and safety is handled in the best possible way.

We are certified as compliant with the ISO 9001:2015 BS compliance scheme
ISO9001 is the Quality Management system that demonstrates our ability, through effective application to consistently provide products and services that meet our customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

We are certified as compliant with the ISO 14001 BS sector compliance scheme
Improved environmental performance ISO 14001 certification shows we can deliver more than regulatory compliance and the ability to meet supplier requirements. ISO 14001 helps our business make day-to-day operations more sustainable and less harmful to the environment. This ultimately saves money, engages our employees, and builds resilience against uncertainty.

We are certified as compliant with the FTA compliance scheme
The FTA (Freight Transport Association) signifies the safe, sustainable, and efficient logistics which we pride ourselves on, key to keeping our business working at such a high standard. The FTA also ensures that we are up to date with the latest compliance requirements and provides a broad selection of training schemes that are designed to help raise our already superior standards and improve working conditions.

We are certified as compliant with the IRMS compliance scheme
The IRMS (Information & Records Management Society) shows that we are compliant with the relevent data protection and privacy regulations and that we manage, control and that we use our information assets properly. The accreditation confirms that we are a safe and reliable company to use where confidential documents need to be gathered, processed, stored, acessed, used, shared and ultimatley, when and how they are either permenantly preserved or destroyed.

ISO 45001 is the new international standard for occupational health and safety management replacing the OHSAS 1800 standard.
The standard reduces workplace risks to improve employee safety.
Gaining the ISO 45001 certification allows us to demonstrate that our business operates a best-practice Occupational Health and Safety Management System – reducing the likelihood of accidents and breaches of legislation, as well as improving our organisation’s overall performance.
This Standard surpasses many existing health and safety standards because it has been developed by a committee of occupational health and safety experts.
It takes into account other international standards in this area such as OHSAS 18001, the International Labour Organization’s ILO-OSH Guidelines, various national standards and the ILO’s international labour standards and conventions. This makes it one of the most valuable Health and Safety Management Systems available to date.

We are certified as compliant with the Quality Assured BS 8522 compliance scheme
This accolade recognises that we have achieved the highest quality standard within the Commercial Relocations Industry. The BS 8522 quality standard was developed by BAR (British Association of Removers) in collaboration with the BSI (British Standards Institution), facilities managers, procurement, and removal professionals, thereby allowing a recognised, specific, measurable benchmark which is relevant to its daily business.